Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's Just.....

So April is here and here I am... April 1st, at 11:00 at night...eww blogging so late.

"Where have I been, why the long gap between entries?" you ask...

my answer...I don't know... I just don't know... It's not like I have gone on a trip...(well maybe in my mind.) but I have been here dealing with the true realities of life.

There is so much going on with me and I don't know where to start and I don't know if I really even feel like penning it. But do know this my dear reader...(s)...I am fine.

Work has me grumbled a bit, but it always does, I am sure it does for you too. I wonder what each day at the hotel will bring. There have been so many talks of layoffs that it is crazy, this person, that person. People who have been there for ever too. Unsettling really. The customers are getting more and more demanding....and grumpier...Is it really MY FAULT that you have to pay $1.50 plus sales tax for your NY Post...(it's a shitty paper anyway) But the bright side of customers is they are there.

Dan and I are in living limbo. we are moving and we are not sure where we are going. We are hoping that we can stay in the neighborhood. Stuff happens and renters have to leave and go someplace else. I am fine w/ the fact that I rent. In fact I actually prefer it over owning. Though I have never owned a home, but I would not want to... People who rent to Dan and I are lucky. We are great tenants. For real. We like to stay put. We keep up the house w/out much bother to the land lord, and we make the house into a home. I love to plant flowers and hang pictures and do all the neighborly's good. But when you have to go, you have to go,and we always have to think about ourselves and what is BEST for us...This is hard for me to do. I seem to always put others first. I am honest to a fault and it ends up biting me in the arse, and when I do put myself in front of others then.. I feel wicked guilty. Hate that. So it's like a no win situation. Any advice from the reader..(s) for me out there?

My dog is another thing. I love that little guy. How can you not? He is constantly smiling at me and wants to be right at my side. He seems to be battling something and I don't know what it is... He is licking his paws. NOT gnawing at them but licking them. In the middle of the night Miles is licking away and waking me up...I can't scold him because he is doing nothing wrong... something is getting to him and he can't tell me. We changed his food, it's a good one now, we bath him, he has flea and tick stuff but lick away....Any suggestions out there?

A few good things are going on though... with the lack of good programing on t.v. I can say that baseball season starts soon, like DAYS away... Red Sox Nation baby... I am looking forward to falling asleep to the sound of the games on t.v.

A friend of mine is having a baby in July, another friend is getting married in August and I am turning 40 in June. Hmm 40...Is that a good thing? It's ponder some really...there are some of you that can say, "40 you are so young" and some that can say, "40? you don't look 40." yeah true, I really don't look or act 40 maybe that's why it's a bit nerve racking...I don't know...

It's Just....

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