Thursday, September 10, 2009

So Now We Know....

Well, it's no secret anymore .....not that it ever was really...but I am having a baby. I am having it. I am the condo so I am saying "I" am having it. I will carry it and deliver it. Dan, he is what we call..."The Semper Fidelis" so he steps aside.
At the moment his job is to just do what he does and every so often make supper for me. But I have everything covered.
So far so good. It's all coming together . I am in my 14th week. OFFICIALLY in my 4th month. I have had NO morning sickness, just pure fatigue. Tired all the time. This may pass or it may not, but whatever comes out of this I am pretty excited....Dan is too. This whole thing was a true shock. We (I ) had no idea that I was pregnant. I was never sick...but for some reason God found us fitting to be parents and has given us this baby to raise. We don't know yet if it is a boy or a girl..we will find out in the middle of October. Dan wants a girl and I guess I can honestly say I would like one too, but I will be happy and completely into having a boy whatever God wants for us...We are working on picking names... I would like to stick w/ family names, because they are easy and no one can complain about it..."you can't name a baby this or that " don't like hearing it. I would absolutely name my daughter Lhotse (one of my favorite names...after the Lhotse Face on Mount Everest..but no one would understand... if you TRULY know me you would understand.)
We are discussing how we want to raise the baby too....really working on understanding on what each other thinks about different things....I am NOT interested in being this child's friend...Not even until it's like 30...I am interested in being it's mother. I am not fond of parents who forget and give up on parenting and focus on re asking for trouble down the road....
I had my parents to look back on and how they were with my sister and I. I had Molly and Brian and Curt and Becky and Ellen and Ron to show me beautiful marriages and wonderful child rearing.. I look back on those days and can clearly remember how they did it and can gleam from it all. This is My child. Dan and I. We will make up our mind on what to do. I could care less if you agree....I may not agree w/ how you do it, but I would never judge you on do it your way and we'll do it our way.
It's the same w/ being pregnant. Everyone has all this stuff to tell you.... Do this, Do that, I had this, I did that...guess what. everyone is different. Each pregnancy is different. Even if you are having your second or third or fourth or first's never the same. This is all the beauty of it. I don't take to much advice. In fact I have stoped asking or even listening to some people. If I have a question I save it for the Doctor, or someone who has been in the SAME EXACT POSITION as me...40 and pregnant....I feel this way because I need to experience it. Not you, ME....I am the condo and have no control over my body now. I have given it over... like my life.
I gave it over, and you know what. It's all good. Giving it up and over and no control is way better, than fighting or fidgeting or wondering...I am letting this roll and am SOOOOO happy about being chosen for this child's condo... SO Now We Know....we know we can do this and we are good enough people to have this baby. Now we know....

Sunday, September 6, 2009


When I was a kid.. I was maybe 12 years old would be safe guess....and I am sure it was a weekend night, which meant mom was working... she suggested that I go to see the Cohasset Youth Theatre Production of "Mary Poppins" she said "the Birmann kid's are in it and Brenda's friend Abby directed it, after Angela will pick you up." So I went.
It was at Cohasset town hall. Not a real stage. The audience sat on the floor, mostly kids and it was a cute local children's production. Micheal Birmann was the bank teller...Tina was the mother (I think) and Brenda was like the assistant director. I don't know if she was even in it.
The Birmann's use to be neighbours of our when we were young. Then they moved to Cohasset, the next town a cool OLD crickity house a stones throw from one of the best beaches in New England. If you don't live there you don't know about fact even those that do live there don't know about it...SO good family friends.. my parents were the three Birmann kids God know. They were more my sisters age, but all in all, they were a nice group to be with growing up....
So back to the show....when I got to the play, I bought a ticket and they told me to keep the stub. It had a number on it and there is a drawing during intermission. It was a hand written number so it wasn't like one of these professional ticket stubs with like 25 different numbers on it. This was a low budget youth production and it was good. I find a place to cop a squat on the floor and the show started.... Very entertaining I must say. I was there by myself. I knew no one, on the floor, only in the cast, so I enjoyed it. During intermission they had the drawing...Brenda and Abby stood upfront and showed the prized. there may have been five or six and they were nothing special to the average Joe, but to the kids it was heaven... LARGE Candy bars. the big ones. the jumbo size ones. back then they could have cost, like $1.50 which to a child candy purchaser THAT was a lot of money (since regular candy bars were like 5 cents or 10 cents)
SO they called numbers and kids got up and got their candy, and to my surprise. Abby called my number.. I was shocked. I got up and Brenda saw it was me and said "yeah, Missy." It was great. I was sooo excited, it was a Nestle Crunch Bar. Naturally I opened it during the second part of the show and shared it with a few kids around me....but I won was great...

The other day, I think I had a gross lunch. It really didn't settle to well with me, so I was laying in bed trying to pass the nausea w/o acting on the nausea...flipping channels waiting for Oprah to come on and my phone rang. a New York number, so I was sure it was the car insurance place trying to sell me road side assistance AGAIN....
"Hi, I am looking for Missy Williams.." her voice was very pleasant...and since she asked for 'Missy' I thought it was someone that my sister gave my name to to do her nails....
"This is Missy."
"Hi Missy, my name is Mary Lenore from Bop Star Baby. Your name was given to me from 'Pregnancy & Newborn magazine' and you won the great gift.. a Bop Star Baby basket...."
"I won the gift basket? Really...?"
"yes, I am the ........" and she went on. we had such a nice conversation. Well long story LONGER.. but Once I got off the phone w/ her I looked in august issue and saw that the gift basket is worth over $800. of gifts. I also checked her web site and she is the lady that designs baskets for the stars babies...This is a great gift. a car seat and much much more... She said she likes to personalize the baskets so I will call her back in Oct when we find out what we are having,and then she will send it along.
You know what... my husband was SOOOOO excited. We don't have a lot or want a lot. We just want this baby that is growing in my belly. We are blessed to have this winning. very blessed.
I was SOOO excited.....It was like winning a Nestle Crunch Candy Bar. It's been years since that play and that candy bar, but I remember the feeling of winning.....Sure I won some swim races and track races and softball games.
But it's always the unexpected win that feels the best...A candy bar or a baby gift basket...they were both unexpected wins....a winner...