Friday, December 11, 2009

Kinda Liked It....

So as written before I have been sick with a chest cold. My stint in the ER and home to rest for a day. Then off to work I went. I came home from work and felt like I was gonna die (not really).
I had the next day off from work but had to work the day after. I called in for that day and have been in bed for three days sleeping resting and recovering. Taking what little useless medicine I can take with out harming my little man inside me.

My sister went to the store for me and brought me some yummy Popsicles...which I have been addicted to and orange juice and some other stuff. I can stomach the cold but not the hot so tea and honey does nothing for me. My husband has been working but he really is the best caretaker I could have. He just knows what to do and what to say and when to answer. He makes me feel so much better...(is that strange after 7 years of marriage?)

Miles has been next to me the entire time and wont leave my side. Since Dan has been at work I have had to muster up a bit of energy in the morning to take him for his little walk. Luckily it's been hot and humid and Miles does not like that weather so the walks have not been that long, but by my side in bed he has rested too. When I reach over and scratch his coat, he loves it and so do I. He too has been my best medicine. Miles just goes with the flow and does what he needs to do...which is be with me.

Not sure how it happened but by getting sick it has really put me in a zone of rest. I cant really say relaxation because I have felt so shitty. But I have stayed in the house. If I was not on the couch finishing up a puzzle I was in bed, sleeping. When I am sick there really is not much I want to do. I cant find the stamina to turn the computer on, or even watch TV. It bugs me. I cant read a book cause I just don't feel like it and all I want to do is lay there. Dan knows I must not be feeling well when the TV is not on. It's fine too. Daytime TV sucks...

My point in all this is. I have really enjoyed this illness. I know it's hard to wrap your head around but it's true. I have had to be careful in what medicines I take, I have wanted to just stay in the house....which is very unlike me. (I am an on the go chick and lets get it done woman) and I have not felt the need to get out in the world and change it. I just want to be at home. Is there an underlying message here.
I think I am settling myself into life in home for a bit when baby comes. I know there will be people around and stuff, but I have liked the lapse of urge to get out there and live. I like the thought of just living in.

All I can say is I am happy that we have not started to put the baby's room together. i would have bypassed the sleep and rest and finished it in 24 hours. This is what I do and how I roll. I am glad that the only attention I have had to give baby is that of him kicking and punching me constantly inside me. I have loved putting the remote on my belly and watching him kick it off. I like feeling his kicks and punches and falling more and more in love with my little two and a half pound "parasite" as my Dr. calls it.

Being sick normally sucks in all directions, but this time...I Kinda Liked It.

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