The other day I was walking from the employee parking lot to the employee entrance and Brian, (who works with Dan in the security department) was speeding by in the golf cart. He pulls over to me and says.."Wanna ride...are you late? 'cause I gotta go take a picture of something. Wanna come with me?"
So naturally I hop into the golf cart and he speeds around and we drive. I am thinking...' this is great, we're going to take pictures of an investigation or something.'
I say to Brian.."is this an investigation? Like you can be Grissom and I can be Katherine?" I was really excited. Perfect way to start my day at the hotel. EXCITEMENT....
"No." Brian said..."We're gonna take pictures of an eagle that is on top of the Ritz Carlton Flag Pole."
So we haul up the front driveway (which is strictly prohibited by employees by the way) and you could barley see the eagle because it was so high up on the tippy top of the flag pole on the very top of the hotel. We caught up with door guy Tom who was with some guest who were also taking pictures and got a much better view.
I tried to take a picture on my phone, but it was just to far away. But Brian got this one from the Loss Prevention camera.

Who woulda Eagle on top of the flag maybe we could market this idea..
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