I have a friend of mine who has a good blog. She posts most stuff on there about her kids. She is so ready to have another... but the last blog I read of hers she was writing about loving her unborn child so much... basically, the..."How can I love something so much that I have never met?" bit.
Now I understand, although I have not REALLY felt my baby move inside me...(little punches here and there..and the book says 22 weeks I will really start feeling stuff..) I have seen my baby with the help of ultra sounds. I have heard the heart beat which puts my mind to so much ease, and I have even watched the baby eat from inside me...I am not one for the fancy- shmancy high tech ultra sounds, the blurry one at the Dr.s office is just fine...but it was the last visit I had there that really sealed the deal for me.
I am currently 20 weeks pregnant..at the moment..if you want to get technical bordering 21 weeks...(my due date seems to change each visit) BUT....the nuts thing is I am HALF way through the job I am doing. Soon eviction time will be coming for this baby and it's new home will be in my arms and Dan's arms. this will be great.
During your 20 week visit to the OBGYN...a lot has happened to the baby since your last visit..but mostly this visit is your half way point. So I have made it 20 weeks through and I have 20 more weeks until baby comes. That is scary really. Although it was a long hot summer, it seems that we just found out and it seems impossible that 20 weeks has passed so soon. But they can also tell you the sex of the baby is you choose to know. Within 20 weeks the baby's sexual organs have developed well enough for the ultrasound to say..."Think Pink or Go Blue."
In our case, we had all but only a few people tell us I was having a girl. We were ready to have Bonnie at the Dr.'s tell us that we are having a girl...With a conversation of a friend at work during lunch one day...she said to me that is I keep getting my hopes up for a girl, what if I am told it's a boy and how disappointed I will be...Dan too, cause he really wanted a girl. I thought long and hard on her statement and started to focus on who do I know that has boys and who did I take care of that had boys.....
My babysitting really consisted of girls, and if there was a boy it was random...It just happened that way too. But then I thought of Reed McLeod. Curt and Becky's son. Thier second child. They were so excited for a boy after having Lindsey...(let's face it she was a tough baby), but it seemed that the moment Reed was born and brought home, a calm came into the house. He sought peace and it was there. He loved their dog too.Reed and Rossi were the best of friends. I think somewhere I have a photo of Reed and Rossi asleep together. When it came time to put Rossi down, Reed held her to her last breath.. Rossi went to doggie heaven in the arms of her best friend Reed. I also took care of Carson, of Jessica and Carson. Carson has two sisters and was all boy. Although he and Jessica shared a room, he was the rough and tough and tumbley guy. Carson started tackle football when I started to care for them. Jessica was a cheerleader and Carson played football. I spent my time at the football field at practices and Saturday games watching Carson. I could look over my shoulder and see Jess practice with her team, but watching Carson was so fun. Dan and my folks would come to practice and games to watch the football. I remember mom saying to me.."it's nice to have a boy and do these things." she was right. We just had a good time when it was Carson and I at home before Jess came home. It's a different dynamic and I thought hard about it and told Dan how I was feeling if Bonnie tells us we will have a son.... He agreed too...and you know what...
Bonnie told us we were having a son.
At that moment, a sudden peace came over me. My heart filled instantly with love for this little boy that is growing inside me. Dan could not believe his excitement either. He is so proud of the fact that we have been given a son. I shared with him ho unworthy I felt too to be carrying a boy. It would be different if it was a daughter, but a boy. Our thought process has gone from pink to blue really fast and all seems right.
We are naming our boy Joseph Scott Williams... we will call him Joey or Joe, whichever... Joseph was my father's name. Dan loved my dad for the time he knew him. He would spend time with my dad and hang on every word that he would say. Dan said right from the beginning too,"If we have a boy, I want him to be named after your father. I loved your father and I think it should be this way." Naturally I agreed. Scott is Dan's middle name and he wanted to carry that on...
So we are set. Joey Williams will bless this little family of three to make four, sometime between March 3-11 of 2010. Although my mind is racing and spinning of everything we need and have to do. I stop and think...It's all good. I have heaps of time and a lot of help and tons of love.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
We Do Thank Them...
Have you ever seen the t.v. show "Run's House".. It's on MTV...it's an eight or ten episode show. it focuses on Reverend Joe Simmons from the rap group RUN DMC and his family. His wife and six children. They range between the ages of 22 and 1 year.
It's a great show..I know a lot of you out there cannot even think that MTV could provide and produce a clean and wholesome show but they have. Joe Simmons or "Rev" as he is now called. (Since he was ordained a Reverend) is the head of the family. He and his dry humored wife raise the six kids in a home full of love and the Lord. Each episode has a message of faith. It really is a great testament to who this man has become and how he has chosen to raise his family. It really is a great show....
My husband has a nickname at work...."Rev" also. I am really not to sure how this came about but I think it was one guy who started it and it stuck. now many others call him that too. Not because Dan is like Joe Simmons, but because Dan has a wonderful relationship with God and others know it. They seek him for advice and consul. My husband will sit calmly and listen to someones problems. He is an amazing listener when he needs to be. He hears just what they are saying and he allows himself to feel what hey are feeling...so you know he is hearing them. In some ways Dan is walking with a person through their troubles so he can understand just what is happening inside them. Before Dan begins to minister to a person, he takes a deep breath to be sure he has understood why this person has come to him. Then he will start. Sometimes he shares with me the conversations and sometimes he does not. Dan does not advise someone on something he does not know...he does not use the "I would like to think...." method that so many people use when it comes to Godly consul. He will only tell you what he knows. But he lets God carry the message through him. Sometimes he will share with me the things he said and my mouth drops as he agrees with me, when I say 'How did you come up with that'.. his simple reply was..."it's not me, it's God." understandable.
A few weeks ago there was a terrible tragedy that happened here in Naples. A father slain his entire family. His wife and five young children... there is a lot more to the story, but beyond that, there were many people effected by this terrible act. For the father and the brother of the man work at our hotel. Many people at the hotel knew the family and the children. The day after the event. Dan came home from work and he had the heaviest heart I had seen on him for some time. He told me that he spent a good part of the day talking to many people who had connections with this angry man. The man's own father even approached Dan for encouragement and words. To ask for prayer.
This happens a lot to Dan. When you look at my husband you would never think that he has a christian heart.. Our society labels people right from the beginning... (You do it and I do it and you cannot say that you don't) It's the looks are always the first impressions and it stands there. We cant help it but it happens at the hotel. If you look nice and are dressed nice you must have class and money..not always the case.
He told me the other day of a good friend of ours that he was just talking to. I was astonished that even this person had come to him, never mind opened up to him seeking something from him.Dan listened and laid it down. People walk away from people like my husband with an idea, with a curiosity and with a hope...they act on them later by seeking and reading and finding and asking and knocking... their door begins to open and the light of the world shines through for them.
My husband does not need to shove anything down anyone throat... that is not his style unless you make him. He just quietly ministers to how God allows him to. People look down on us because we don't have a home church...for it's only in a church that the work of the Lord can be done...but Dan's church is far larger than the walls of a building with a cross attached to it somewhere...it's the people that he hears and speaks to... Dan never asked to be the leader of his ministry..in fact I could take an educated guess and say he most likely never asked for a ministry..but without even knowing it he has it and he does it. He learns so much from each person that he talks to.
I am so proud of him. His life...Our life has been touched by these people...they always thank him for his words or actions but it is them who need to be thanked by us...by him or by me...and I can tell you, we do thank them.
It's a great show..I know a lot of you out there cannot even think that MTV could provide and produce a clean and wholesome show but they have. Joe Simmons or "Rev" as he is now called. (Since he was ordained a Reverend) is the head of the family. He and his dry humored wife raise the six kids in a home full of love and the Lord. Each episode has a message of faith. It really is a great testament to who this man has become and how he has chosen to raise his family. It really is a great show....
My husband has a nickname at work...."Rev" also. I am really not to sure how this came about but I think it was one guy who started it and it stuck. now many others call him that too. Not because Dan is like Joe Simmons, but because Dan has a wonderful relationship with God and others know it. They seek him for advice and consul. My husband will sit calmly and listen to someones problems. He is an amazing listener when he needs to be. He hears just what they are saying and he allows himself to feel what hey are feeling...so you know he is hearing them. In some ways Dan is walking with a person through their troubles so he can understand just what is happening inside them. Before Dan begins to minister to a person, he takes a deep breath to be sure he has understood why this person has come to him. Then he will start. Sometimes he shares with me the conversations and sometimes he does not. Dan does not advise someone on something he does not know...he does not use the "I would like to think...." method that so many people use when it comes to Godly consul. He will only tell you what he knows. But he lets God carry the message through him. Sometimes he will share with me the things he said and my mouth drops as he agrees with me, when I say 'How did you come up with that'.. his simple reply was..."it's not me, it's God." understandable.
A few weeks ago there was a terrible tragedy that happened here in Naples. A father slain his entire family. His wife and five young children... there is a lot more to the story, but beyond that, there were many people effected by this terrible act. For the father and the brother of the man work at our hotel. Many people at the hotel knew the family and the children. The day after the event. Dan came home from work and he had the heaviest heart I had seen on him for some time. He told me that he spent a good part of the day talking to many people who had connections with this angry man. The man's own father even approached Dan for encouragement and words. To ask for prayer.
This happens a lot to Dan. When you look at my husband you would never think that he has a christian heart.. Our society labels people right from the beginning... (You do it and I do it and you cannot say that you don't) It's the looks are always the first impressions and it stands there. We cant help it but it happens at the hotel. If you look nice and are dressed nice you must have class and money..not always the case.
He told me the other day of a good friend of ours that he was just talking to. I was astonished that even this person had come to him, never mind opened up to him seeking something from him.Dan listened and laid it down. People walk away from people like my husband with an idea, with a curiosity and with a hope...they act on them later by seeking and reading and finding and asking and knocking... their door begins to open and the light of the world shines through for them.
My husband does not need to shove anything down anyone throat... that is not his style unless you make him. He just quietly ministers to how God allows him to. People look down on us because we don't have a home church...for it's only in a church that the work of the Lord can be done...but Dan's church is far larger than the walls of a building with a cross attached to it somewhere...it's the people that he hears and speaks to... Dan never asked to be the leader of his ministry..in fact I could take an educated guess and say he most likely never asked for a ministry..but without even knowing it he has it and he does it. He learns so much from each person that he talks to.
I am so proud of him. His life...Our life has been touched by these people...they always thank him for his words or actions but it is them who need to be thanked by us...by him or by me...and I can tell you, we do thank them.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What Will It Be Like With A Baby
We have a dog, Miles Davis Williams- Miles- named after Dan's favorite jazz musician Miles Davis.
Miles is a rescue dog from the Domestic Animal Shelter here in Naples. He has been with us for about five years- The shelter knew nothing about him-he was a stray, or a left behind or a run away. So when we met him they had no information. They didn't even know his real name, he was matted (not that bad), but they did tell us that they thought he could have been a show dog. The shelter thought he was well trained from the way he obeyed commands, the way he walked, groomed himself and how good his teeth were.
Finding the Miles, for us was not a long process. It only took a few weeks. I did have to act fast because Dan said "Yes" to a dog and I had to keep him in 'Dog Mode' and find one fast before he changed his mind. To be honest, when I first saw Miles (or as the shelter had named him for his seven day stay there Pom Pom)-I was not all that sure...Then it happened. Dan was the one who inquired about him, they opened up the cage he was in, put a leash around his neck and handed the leash to Dan and the two of then walked down to the 'Play Cage'- I walked behind them and saw my husband look down at this little dog and the dog look up at my husband.
Instantly me heart opened up. We played a little bit with the dog. Just as much as the dog would let us and asked the ladies from the shelter a few questions. They were not sure if he was a full breed 'Large Pomeranian' or a 'Pom-Mix' either way it did not matter to us, a mutt for all we care would be fine, he was fitting nicely into our lives at that moment. They also told us we could change his name since he only knew the name Pom-Pom for such a short time..I saw the glimmer in Dan's eyes...He looked at me and smiles...."Miles...Miles Davis Williams. What do you think?"
I smiled. In reality I choked back tears...but until now I have never fessed up to that emotion.
It was all a bit overwhelming- I mean to see my husband who never liked to open himself up to anyone show so much instantaneous love to this little black furry dog. Dan then looked Miles square in the eyes and asked him a simple question...."Wadda ya think little fella, do you wanna come home with us?" and right there the little black furry mutt kissed Dan's face. I melted. Stood up and said..."Thats it we'll take him."
If you ever knew Dan, and IF you ever would think for a moment that he was a 'Dog Guy' (which he never was) you may think....oh, lab or retriever...a large dog, but since there is a height restriction in our complex and all the other dogs in the complex are small, Dan was hook line and sinker for this little 'Large Pom'. Perfection he found in his new friend. Our newest family member.. I could not believe it...the entire experience was perfect.
I know I have blogged about Miles before..but things are changing in our family and they will change for Miles too. Since we are having a baby in March, I wonder how Miles will adjust to a little person sharing his attention. Miles has been our only family member for five years and he is spoiled, and wonderful. He is all about unconditional love and he just wants the same love back. Miles, I should say has never been a problem for us-if there has been a problem it's because we as humans made the wrong choices and we did not know any better. Miles being the obedient dog, let us figure them out on our own instead of punishing us. He has never been a burden or held us back from all that much. If he has, it's because we are selfish and just want his company. He is the best "excuse" we could have and most times it's just the truth.
I can say that I really am not all that worried about integrating Mile sand the baby. Miles is very obedient. It's really just us who will Have to balance a dog and a baby. I am sure we will make mistakes but we will figure it out.
We will not get rid of our dog because he barks to much and wakes the baby or he is dis- obedient...we don't get rid of a child because they make to much noise or they don't follow the house rules do we? He will not get pushed aside either. Our dog is so much a part of our lives and he will be as long as we show him what he wants...treat and love...how easy is that?
Miles is a rescue dog from the Domestic Animal Shelter here in Naples. He has been with us for about five years- The shelter knew nothing about him-he was a stray, or a left behind or a run away. So when we met him they had no information. They didn't even know his real name, he was matted (not that bad), but they did tell us that they thought he could have been a show dog. The shelter thought he was well trained from the way he obeyed commands, the way he walked, groomed himself and how good his teeth were.
Finding the Miles, for us was not a long process. It only took a few weeks. I did have to act fast because Dan said "Yes" to a dog and I had to keep him in 'Dog Mode' and find one fast before he changed his mind. To be honest, when I first saw Miles (or as the shelter had named him for his seven day stay there Pom Pom)-I was not all that sure...Then it happened. Dan was the one who inquired about him, they opened up the cage he was in, put a leash around his neck and handed the leash to Dan and the two of then walked down to the 'Play Cage'- I walked behind them and saw my husband look down at this little dog and the dog look up at my husband.
Instantly me heart opened up. We played a little bit with the dog. Just as much as the dog would let us and asked the ladies from the shelter a few questions. They were not sure if he was a full breed 'Large Pomeranian' or a 'Pom-Mix' either way it did not matter to us, a mutt for all we care would be fine, he was fitting nicely into our lives at that moment. They also told us we could change his name since he only knew the name Pom-Pom for such a short time..I saw the glimmer in Dan's eyes...He looked at me and smiles...."Miles...Miles Davis Williams. What do you think?"
I smiled. In reality I choked back tears...but until now I have never fessed up to that emotion.
It was all a bit overwhelming- I mean to see my husband who never liked to open himself up to anyone show so much instantaneous love to this little black furry dog. Dan then looked Miles square in the eyes and asked him a simple question...."Wadda ya think little fella, do you wanna come home with us?" and right there the little black furry mutt kissed Dan's face. I melted. Stood up and said..."Thats it we'll take him."
If you ever knew Dan, and IF you ever would think for a moment that he was a 'Dog Guy' (which he never was) you may think....oh, lab or retriever...a large dog, but since there is a height restriction in our complex and all the other dogs in the complex are small, Dan was hook line and sinker for this little 'Large Pom'. Perfection he found in his new friend. Our newest family member.. I could not believe it...the entire experience was perfect.
I know I have blogged about Miles before..but things are changing in our family and they will change for Miles too. Since we are having a baby in March, I wonder how Miles will adjust to a little person sharing his attention. Miles has been our only family member for five years and he is spoiled, and wonderful. He is all about unconditional love and he just wants the same love back. Miles, I should say has never been a problem for us-if there has been a problem it's because we as humans made the wrong choices and we did not know any better. Miles being the obedient dog, let us figure them out on our own instead of punishing us. He has never been a burden or held us back from all that much. If he has, it's because we are selfish and just want his company. He is the best "excuse" we could have and most times it's just the truth.
I can say that I really am not all that worried about integrating Mile sand the baby. Miles is very obedient. It's really just us who will Have to balance a dog and a baby. I am sure we will make mistakes but we will figure it out.
We will not get rid of our dog because he barks to much and wakes the baby or he is dis- obedient...we don't get rid of a child because they make to much noise or they don't follow the house rules do we? He will not get pushed aside either. Our dog is so much a part of our lives and he will be as long as we show him what he wants...treat and love...how easy is that?
I have a feeling it will be about teaching our baby as it grows to love and respect Miles, as I am sure Miles will do the same thing. Miles perhaps will take to our new addition very well. I can see him in the future sleeping under the baby's crib. He will choose this place in his job as the big brother of protecting the baby. He sleeps at the foot of our bed to protect us.
Having Miles in our lives for the past five years has been the best "responsibility" and addition to our marriage. We laugh a lot more and love a lot more because of him.
Can you imagine what it will be like with a baby?
(this is a photo of Miles waiting for Dan to come home.)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Who Woulda Thunk....
This is kind of a neat thing....
The other day I was walking from the employee parking lot to the employee entrance and Brian, (who works with Dan in the security department) was speeding by in the golf cart. He pulls over to me and says.."Wanna ride...are you late? 'cause I gotta go take a picture of something. Wanna come with me?"
So naturally I hop into the golf cart and he speeds around and we drive. I am thinking...' this is great, we're going to take pictures of an investigation or something.'
I say to Brian.."is this an investigation? Like you can be Grissom and I can be Katherine?" I was really excited. Perfect way to start my day at the hotel. EXCITEMENT....
"No." Brian said..."We're gonna take pictures of an eagle that is on top of the Ritz Carlton Flag Pole."
So we haul up the front driveway (which is strictly prohibited by employees by the way) and you could barley see the eagle because it was so high up on the tippy top of the flag pole on the very top of the hotel. We caught up with door guy Tom who was with some guest who were also taking pictures and got a much better view.
I tried to take a picture on my phone, but it was just to far away. But Brian got this one from the Loss Prevention camera.
How cool is this....So here i think I am starting my day at the hum drum hotel I work in with some kind of cool investigation when I am really starting my day with a kiss from God. A reminder to me that HE is working so hard in my life, that he gave me the gift of seeing one of His very own amazing creations. It was a perfect way to start my day at the hotel. When Brian and I got to the employee entrance, before getting out of the golf cart I thanked Brian for letting me share in that moment.
The other day I was walking from the employee parking lot to the employee entrance and Brian, (who works with Dan in the security department) was speeding by in the golf cart. He pulls over to me and says.."Wanna ride...are you late? 'cause I gotta go take a picture of something. Wanna come with me?"
So naturally I hop into the golf cart and he speeds around and we drive. I am thinking...' this is great, we're going to take pictures of an investigation or something.'
I say to Brian.."is this an investigation? Like you can be Grissom and I can be Katherine?" I was really excited. Perfect way to start my day at the hotel. EXCITEMENT....
"No." Brian said..."We're gonna take pictures of an eagle that is on top of the Ritz Carlton Flag Pole."
So we haul up the front driveway (which is strictly prohibited by employees by the way) and you could barley see the eagle because it was so high up on the tippy top of the flag pole on the very top of the hotel. We caught up with door guy Tom who was with some guest who were also taking pictures and got a much better view.
I tried to take a picture on my phone, but it was just to far away. But Brian got this one from the Loss Prevention camera.

Who woulda thunk...an Eagle on top of the flag pole....ooo maybe we could market this idea..
Friday, October 9, 2009
Christ Died for EVERYONE..Not just.....
I have recently been "accused" of not being a good Christan. That I do not walk in the fear of the Lord. That I have far to much faith in the human race and that I do not worship correctly and live by the book. That my own opinions do not matter and that I should only seek God's opinion. I have been challenged to dig deeper into the Bible and see clearly the word of God, to disect it and find each and every meaning that there could possibly be in every word scribed. To lift my hands in gratitude and praise each week in the front row of a church and allow the Holy Spirit to flow through me. To re-dedicate myself, to re-baptize myself and give it all over to God...only then I will enter the gates of heaven and have my crowning glories....
Gotta tell you something ...when this accusation came across me. I was so hurt I could not believe that a "friend" could possibly say some of the things that were said. I could not sleep that night and spend a distracting day at work with a heavy heart. I prayed that day for God to lift this off of me and make my heart still so I could hear HIM and find HIS peace in me. HE did.(naturally)
My husband and I talked about this and prayed on it together and separately to find our solution of what to say to this accuser. We were told ...Be still . Forgive and walk away. As I have done and as Dan has done also. He too was very hurt.
My husband and I are not boxed in people. We have to be out there in society with our line of work. we interact with people each day and we talk to them each day. We do not solidify ourselves to the confines of our home and a church where we are safe. We cannot do that. We go to church. But we do not go to the church that this person wants us to go, and since we do not then we are not good people. Each day I ask God to let His Will be my Will and His words be my words. Now I know that not always are His words my words, because there are many time that my words are my words, but what I try to do is to be the best bible that someone will read. I TRY this, I may not always succeed, but I have to give it a shot. There are a lot of people out there who will never read the bible, but they may meet me and see that my loving word and kind actions say something special about me. It would be my FAITH.
My parents were the cornerstone of my faith ever since I was young. We belonged to a great church. All with wonderful friends and leaders. As I grew my love for God was always in the back of my mind, but it may not have always came out of me. (I think most of us can attest to that) but you know what I have learned from all my travels all over the world, the sick, the poor, the imprisoned, the loving, the challenged, the lifeless, the scientists,,the prostitute,s the homeless, the peacemakers, and the peace wants, those that say they are PRO life and those that say they are Pro choice, the political parties the everyday Joe's that mill around....we are all children of the Lord. Matt 7:1-2 says...do not judge or you too will be judged- For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." I think of this all the time when my selfish persona come out of me and I have something to say about someone....this my "friend" IS fearing God. To think that I could be judged just as harsh as I have just judged someone.
I could not help but think of the Pharisees in the Bible. The word Pharisee translates into the meaning of Separated Ones. These blokes were harsh. Hey were all about for insisting that the Laws of God be carried through and they had a special commitment to keeping that Laws of tithing and ritual purity. They were concerned for other matters and they limited themselves contacts with Jews who THEY BELIEVED were not pure and clean and the Gentiles. They would never break bread at the home of a non-pharisee for fear of the home and food not being "ritualistically clean" and "pure". They continuously criticized others for not keeping the Laws and for being "sinners". They looked down on tax collectors, prostitutes and the unclean. Such a contrast from who Jesus loved on. They questioned Jesus so much in the New Testament and Christ did call them out on their ways. They observed the Laws carefully as far as their appearance went, but their hearts were far from God. Their motives were wrong because they wanted human praise. They were often called Hypocrites. Luke 18:9 says.."trust in themselves that they are righteous". This can easily happen when people think God's will is the same thing as their list of what they want.
I will tell you that a few days later I was handed an apology and asked for forgiveness on the words that had already hurt me. I do forgive. Absolutely, No resolution without forgiveness. No love with out forgiveness. The forgive part is really the easy part for me. The hard part of this for me is the thought and action of this persons righteousness to tell me that the free will that God has given all of us is wrong and the only way into the gates of God's glorious kingdom is this person's way. Hmmm
Religious people have to keep one important thing in mind...that they too are sinners in gods eyes and that Christ died for EVERYONE.
Gotta tell you something ...when this accusation came across me. I was so hurt I could not believe that a "friend" could possibly say some of the things that were said. I could not sleep that night and spend a distracting day at work with a heavy heart. I prayed that day for God to lift this off of me and make my heart still so I could hear HIM and find HIS peace in me. HE did.(naturally)
My husband and I talked about this and prayed on it together and separately to find our solution of what to say to this accuser. We were told ...Be still . Forgive and walk away. As I have done and as Dan has done also. He too was very hurt.
My husband and I are not boxed in people. We have to be out there in society with our line of work. we interact with people each day and we talk to them each day. We do not solidify ourselves to the confines of our home and a church where we are safe. We cannot do that. We go to church. But we do not go to the church that this person wants us to go, and since we do not then we are not good people. Each day I ask God to let His Will be my Will and His words be my words. Now I know that not always are His words my words, because there are many time that my words are my words, but what I try to do is to be the best bible that someone will read. I TRY this, I may not always succeed, but I have to give it a shot. There are a lot of people out there who will never read the bible, but they may meet me and see that my loving word and kind actions say something special about me. It would be my FAITH.
My parents were the cornerstone of my faith ever since I was young. We belonged to a great church. All with wonderful friends and leaders. As I grew my love for God was always in the back of my mind, but it may not have always came out of me. (I think most of us can attest to that) but you know what I have learned from all my travels all over the world, the sick, the poor, the imprisoned, the loving, the challenged, the lifeless, the scientists,,the prostitute,s the homeless, the peacemakers, and the peace wants, those that say they are PRO life and those that say they are Pro choice, the political parties the everyday Joe's that mill around....we are all children of the Lord. Matt 7:1-2 says...do not judge or you too will be judged- For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." I think of this all the time when my selfish persona come out of me and I have something to say about someone....this my "friend" IS fearing God. To think that I could be judged just as harsh as I have just judged someone.
I could not help but think of the Pharisees in the Bible. The word Pharisee translates into the meaning of Separated Ones. These blokes were harsh. Hey were all about for insisting that the Laws of God be carried through and they had a special commitment to keeping that Laws of tithing and ritual purity. They were concerned for other matters and they limited themselves contacts with Jews who THEY BELIEVED were not pure and clean and the Gentiles. They would never break bread at the home of a non-pharisee for fear of the home and food not being "ritualistically clean" and "pure". They continuously criticized others for not keeping the Laws and for being "sinners". They looked down on tax collectors, prostitutes and the unclean. Such a contrast from who Jesus loved on. They questioned Jesus so much in the New Testament and Christ did call them out on their ways. They observed the Laws carefully as far as their appearance went, but their hearts were far from God. Their motives were wrong because they wanted human praise. They were often called Hypocrites. Luke 18:9 says.."trust in themselves that they are righteous". This can easily happen when people think God's will is the same thing as their list of what they want.
I will tell you that a few days later I was handed an apology and asked for forgiveness on the words that had already hurt me. I do forgive. Absolutely, No resolution without forgiveness. No love with out forgiveness. The forgive part is really the easy part for me. The hard part of this for me is the thought and action of this persons righteousness to tell me that the free will that God has given all of us is wrong and the only way into the gates of God's glorious kingdom is this person's way. Hmmm
Religious people have to keep one important thing in mind...that they too are sinners in gods eyes and that Christ died for EVERYONE.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
October's Link to the Rest of the Year.
I am so happy that it is October...Really because it just means that we are one step closer to cooler weather here in Naples...Record Highs have been hitting us and when the day is spent at 94 degrees...not even Miles wants to be outside. a few weeks ago we got a little spoiled and had a few cool mornings. Miles and i made it a point to get up even earlier and take our walk...(just in case it would be hotter our usual walk time.) It was SOOOO nice. Miles had an extra bounce in his step and I was so grateful for the longer walk with no humidity. Perfect. Over the summer we walk everyday,but it is to hot....by the time we are at the duck pond down the street, Miles is already tired and lethargic. I am sweaty and angry. We go our normal boring route and have no excitement..but the cooler days because we can move faster and walk further it's all an adventure. We cut through yards in the complex, find new gecko spots, chase the ducks, meet other dogs, try out different walking paths, you know he is the original Indiana Jones or Grissom of pooches. We love the walks and hopefully it will cool soon enough for some longer ones...
October in New England is stunning, also in DC. But i remember walking down Fering Rd. in Hingham, (my home town) on my way to downtown and the trees on either side of the street were like a canopy of colors. Like I was walking under an archway of crisp, gold, red, Terra cotta, burnt sienna and pale browns. It was always breath taking. then walking on 3A along the harbour and looking and looking across it to Worlds End in the fall always made sense.
The colors. It's God's canvas..telling us that the nesting months are upon us and he is painting us one last giant painting of HIS brilliance until the new awakening in the spring when the crocuses pop up. Autumn in DC is s brilliant.
Walking around Arlington Cemetery is breath taking. One year Mom, Dad, Dan and I went up there together and had a stunning time, we loved the crisp air, the colors and the monuments at that time of year are virtually empty. It's like the National monuments to yourself.
We all took a ride to Mount Vernon VA. to walk around George Washington's home. It was stunning also. the trees were so alive and the added bonus was it was Harvest Days while we were there. so down the big hill from Washington's house, was all kinds of festivals for children. Story time with George, candle making, pony rides and much more. It was perfect. Maybe in a few years e can go back with baby.
October is also the START of it all...now on a personal note, it is the start of us knowing what we are having as far as baby is concerned....we know the sex in two weeks. so excited.
But it starts all the Holiday preparations and more. We are kind of losers so we are not big Halloween people. dressing up and going to a party is not really our idea of fun. Sitting home watching the world series is what we like to do... (YUP LOSERS...) but Halloween bleeds right into All Saints Day and then Veteran's Day and then BEFORE Thanksgiving the Christmas carols start on the radio...(to be honest I LOVE Christmas carols...so I don't mind that to much.) We then approach Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays. It's sooo pressureless. You just eat and spend time with family and have fun, but after that, it is balls to the walls with Christmas.
It will be our last Christmas with just Dan and I and Miles...next year will be baby's first Christmas and baby will be about nine months then so it could be fun....
But you know. It's all about October now. I love seeing the decorations and the pumpkins and the costumes and how outrageous things and people are. Creative too. I love the fact that it's a month to put things to sleep and begin nesting. There is no pressure in October. None.
When I think of how big this month really is... and what it leads to...it's as heart warming as Spice Pumpkin and Cinnamon.
October in New England is stunning, also in DC. But i remember walking down Fering Rd. in Hingham, (my home town) on my way to downtown and the trees on either side of the street were like a canopy of colors. Like I was walking under an archway of crisp, gold, red, Terra cotta, burnt sienna and pale browns. It was always breath taking. then walking on 3A along the harbour and looking and looking across it to Worlds End in the fall always made sense.

October is also the START of it all...now on a personal note, it is the start of us knowing what we are having as far as baby is concerned....we know the sex in two weeks. so excited.
But it starts all the Holiday preparations and more. We are kind of losers so we are not big Halloween people. dressing up and going to a party is not really our idea of fun. Sitting home watching the world series is what we like to do... (YUP LOSERS...) but Halloween bleeds right into All Saints Day and then Veteran's Day and then BEFORE Thanksgiving the Christmas carols start on the radio...(to be honest I LOVE Christmas carols...so I don't mind that to much.) We then approach Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays. It's sooo pressureless. You just eat and spend time with family and have fun, but after that, it is balls to the walls with Christmas.
It will be our last Christmas with just Dan and I and Miles...next year will be baby's first Christmas and baby will be about nine months then so it could be fun....
But you know. It's all about October now. I love seeing the decorations and the pumpkins and the costumes and how outrageous things and people are. Creative too. I love the fact that it's a month to put things to sleep and begin nesting. There is no pressure in October. None.
When I think of how big this month really is... and what it leads to...it's as heart warming as Spice Pumpkin and Cinnamon.
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