I have to give Bravo TV snaps for some of the best reality shows out there... "Project Runway", "Top Chef", "Blow Out" which aired a few years ago with the egotistical Jonathan Anton..(mesmerizing), "The Millionaire Matchmaker" and the one about the Personal trainer Jackie which I cannot remember the name of... The is also "My life on the D-List" with whats her name.. and there was a small show about Paula Abdul which I think she needs to watch and then apologise for.. Poor thing... Anyway, another reality that I enjoy is "The Kardashians"... That show is like a bad train wreck that you just cannot keep your eyes off of... but I cannot give snaps to Bravo TV for that one. "The Kardashians" is all E and Ryan Seacrest....
Yes! okay Yes! I am a reality TV network junkie... some of these show are good and some of them really keep me in check of who I am... I can't help it...But let me get ONE thing straight...
I am a "The Hills" junkie.... it all started with MTV and the creation of "Laguna Beach" introducing us to Lauren Conrad and her high school friends.....(oh, poor Missi, she is a forty year old woman watching these kid shows....) Yeah I am and yeah I love them... It's been so hard to find good TV since "Friends", "Cheers", "Will and Grace", "CSI"...so I have to settle for TV and I settle for reality TV....Dan settles for "The Family Guy", I settle for the Best of the best... next to "The Hills"...
"The Real Housewives of....." It all started with "The Real Housewives of Orange County"
not a bad intro to the show. A bunch of wealthy women, married, some divorced, some are stay at home "moms" if you will, some are business women making their own cash and most have had boob jobs that would make me question the diploma of their plastic surgeon.... but al in all you watch six or seven women intertwine their lives with each other.. all overly sensitive and blond and driving killer cars, spoiling their kids to the point of, their kids end up in rehab....or jail...or having a really hard time finding a job....or graduating from high school....

Moving on... After a few seasons of "Orange county" Bravo smartened up and moved production to New York...."The Real Housewives of New York City." LOVE IT. maybe I am from the Boston area and seem to relate more to the city ladies than I do the beach ladies, even though I live in Naples FL... maybe it's because New Yorkers wear black a lot and I do tooo....
These women are HILARIOUS....there are so many insults and bickering and whining it is brilliant. I have my favourites, but I won't share them....I will say these women do a lot of charity work and I think it's great, but HOLY COW are they all a trip.....
After New York then came the Real Housewives of Atlanta....this was not a good season. I could not make heads or tails of any of these women. I couldn't catch on and had an interest in only a few stories, but it was not gripping and compelling as the others.. I think it was the white girl that threw me off.....

NOW...it looks like we have struck GOLD with the newest posse of Housewives and that is NEW JERSEY....How friggin' brilliant is Bravo for coming up with the idea of New Jersey....This is going to be great. The only bad thing is... These women will give the Italian heritage a bad name....because "Italians" are not like this...ONLY "American Italians" so when they say...."I'm an Italian" I wonder if they have ever been to Italy. It looks like we will have lots of bling and lots of cat fights and lots of back stabbing......what more could anyone possibly want on TV?
Let me break it all down for you into why I actually like this show.....it's so easy... It puts me into so much perspective on my little life and how incredible normal I am. I have often wondered that if I had all the money and cars and big houses and a husband with high money jobs and wads of cash, could I have possibly turned into these women... YES I could have and I know it to be a fact because it happened to a friend and she....well I will stop there, but I have a good little life and with the exception of the charity work some of these women do, I really do not envy them at all...so I see a group of chicks making complete arses of themselves because they have lots of money....I see it at the hotel all the time... money doesn't buy happiness and it CERTAINLY doesn't buy CLASS....
I am a housewife....and I love it.....
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