We have been putting it off for the longest time because we wanted to save money... at the old house, we would bath him in the drop sink in the garage...but the new house doesn't have a drop sink...(yet) so we had to get him cut...
He has so many snarls and he has SO much hair. He has a real thick undercoat so it's hard to even just brush him....
I drop him off and tell the kind lady, "here is what we would like, keep his little beard a little full, we like stuff around his ears, to make him look cute, but please do what you think would be best for
Well, they did what is best for him and gave him a short cut, and a fluffy tail... we hate his tail fluffy when no other part of him is fluffy...so now our "precious little Miles" looks like a dingo or a hyena from "The Lion King". We both knew that we would not like it even before I picked him up...call it intuition. So to make up for it we were ready for him to come home with all of his toys ready for playing and lots of love and treats...to ease the blow... I am not sure if it was for him or for us....(probably for us)
So as we are laughing and commenting on "our precious little Miles' puppy cut...Dan looked at Miles and said..."Aw it's okay, little fella. I've had some really bad hair cuts back in the day.One time I even stayed home from school for three days because of a bad haircut...I still love you..." and it got me thinking... what a nice thing to say to "our precious little Miles" because it's true. He did have some bad haircuts and I did too. Like when I was thirteen, with a short perm. Thinking that it was awesome...please...but see all in all, Miles will have this cut for such a short time before his hair grows back, and we have vowed ONE MORE TIME... to brush him everyday and take care of his coat so we will not have to put him through the trauma of the groomer again...(once again, not sure if He's traumatized or US....probably us more than him.)
So we live with a dingo for awhile... It could be worse...
But he got a hair cut....
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