I had this book recommended to me by a dear friend....she said "you have got to read it". I love to read so anything that comes my way I try to read...i know... I was never a reader growing up, but now sometimes I have two or three books going at one time...depending on my mood is which one I will pick up and read...but anyway, I went home and ordered the book and when it came I sunk myself into it....she said, just get past the first four chapters and then the story really takes place...true...the first four chapters were a bit of a struggle, but then the book was riveting. Yet those chapters set the ground for the rest of the story. The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom.

I am not giving the story away to you if I tell you that she lived in Holland and during the German invasion of Holland her and her family played a pivotal role in the Jewish underground. She was not Jewish, but she helped many many come to be safe during the persecution of the Jews during World War II. Later she and her family were turned into the German authorities and spent time in a concentration camp for political prisoners. Her story compelling. Her survival during this time of her life heart wrenching, and the life that she lead after her release...incredible. So I suggest you read this book.
When you are finished with it ask yourself: What in your life is so unbearable, so unspeakable and what can we do with Gods help to turn it around? I am so glad that I read the book when I did because with all that is happening and the economy, people and family members, friends losing their jobs....hours getting cut at work and figuring out how bills will be paid and when we can afford to go out to dinner and more...I have nothing, I mean NOTHING to complain about. Corrie ten Boom's life showed me that you can find GOD in ANYTHING and he will show you the light. Though I had stopped complaining a long time ago about things because God has been and continues to be so good to me, this book had me explore myself and my times so much more. My surroundings, my family, my relationships, my faith, my walk, my prayer life, my all. If she can survive then I can too...we all can. During this time in our country, w need to be proud Americans and face the challenge that has come our way. We need to be faithful people and accept the challenge that God has given us and ask Him daily to lead us to do the right thing. We need to believe in ourselves as His children to know and be settled with what he is putting in front of us and how we are to overcome anything that is rough, to be thankful daily for what we do have and be especially thankful for the things we don't have.
We are not in food lines...(yet) but if that day does come, rest assure..God will provide just what we need. He does each and every day..sometimes we just do not see it....but look around and you will see....
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