Saturday, March 17, 2012

Gets Better

I know..... I know it has been months. But life balance is more important.
Stealing a little bit of time right now to catch up.. soon better posts will follow.
Joey turned 2 this year. YES! 2! Fact of the matter... Dan and I ARE doing something right....
I notice this HUGE change in him maybe two weeks before his actual birthday. He became this sponge of life and lessons. He would just soak so much in. I was amazed.
He sits longer when we read to him, he understands so much more, he is receptive to all that is around him and his focus is stronger. He wants to learn as much as he wants to play..... "Dig into creativity Mayo and think of fun ways to play with trucks that is educational" I say to myself all the time. He is interested in how I can connect a bulldozer to the letters of the alphabet and he laughs when we make it work....
He is as tall as a three year old and has only two words in his vocabulary.. I am proud to say it is... Mum-Mum and Dah-Doh...(which is Joey language for TRUCK).... Yup that is it. we try to get him to speak but he wants nothing of it.
Maybe this is a sign that he will be the strong silent type of guy. Maybe it's a sign that he really isn't ready to be thrown out into the world two days a week, maybe it's a sign that there may be years to therapy or not to push the growing up thing, that he is not ready to potty train or speak in sentences or what not.. Look I wonder if I lived in a metropolitan area that I would think differently, you know the pressure of school waiting lists and stuff but here there doesn't seem to be that pressure, when he says the word Mum-Mum or Dah-Doh it is the sweetest sound. I said to Dan the other day as much as I would love for him to talk, I just love his little words. they are HIS words. HIS voice in HIS way. I love that about Joey. He communicates perfectly with us, it's as if he needs not to speak. I never taught him sign language as so many people do,but he can let us know every need he has and we get it completely. I think it's just part of being a parent.
It's an exciting journey to be on. I wonder each day... Is this is... is today the start of the Terrible Two's? and I have seen no signs of them YET. (though I may have just jinxed myself.) Joey is joey and I am enjoying him becoming that boy, the man that he will be.
He is his own private Idaho and I love that about him. I don't compare him to other children, I don't think that is right and I don't see the favor in doing so. Each child as in each of us is different and we were made to be that way.
We had a wonderful birthday party for Joey in celebration of his second birthday. People and kids of all ages were with us...we celebrated with a bubble theme and it was so fun to see all the kids enjoy the bubbles. Joey seemed to have had a good time and that is all that matters.
There is so much more growing to do. Each day is different between now and three. We I expect nothing, my son will learn at his own pace, we will continue to teach him , to nurture him and love on him as much as we can. We are just having a really good time.
This gift of parenthood that God gave us at our old age, was a huge surprise, but it has been the best and most rewarding gift given to us.
Hold on, it only gets better.

1 comment:

  1. Missy, I miss you! I just can't get over how cute Joey is! He is, as you said, his ownself. And he doesn`t need to be/do what anybody else thinks he should be or do. The short time I could spend around him was enough for me to see how smart he is, and I don`t know what kind of man he will grow up to be, but he will certainly be a great man, with his own personality, given the great role models he has in his family. And you know what,being silent instead of a chatter box means he is acctually listening to what is happening around him and one day, when you think it is just another ordinary day, he will be ready and you will be blown away by what he will have to say. I'm sure of that! He will do it when he is ready, no need to push. You are blessed to have him, because he is not only gorgeous, he is a blessing. L.O.V.E.D him from the moment I saw his pictures on facebook.
    XOXO Thays
