"Shit." I say to myself...."I can't do this right now."
Yet, all day I have Joey in my arms and I can just feel that something is not right with him. Although he does not fun at all when he doesn't feel good, I just had that feeling.....(and I will say, this really and truly is the first time I have had that motherly instinctual feeling that something is not right...It was kinda cool, cause it seemed to solidify motherhood.) But, I kept feeling Joey's little head and it was warm, his cheeks, warm, his back, warm.. I slept with him for is morning nap so he would sleep more than 20 min, he slept for three hours. I KNEW something wasn't right.
When Dan came home, I asked him to feel Joey," I think he has a fever, but I am not getting an accurate reading on the thermometer."
"I have a fever, I can't touch him if I have a fever." and off he went to his man cave.
Mom comes home from work...."Can you feel Joey, I think he has a fever."
"Oh honey he feels fine to me..." and off she went to lay down.
"Really, fine?" I was gonna take him to the park to play, it was such a nice day, but he was rubbing his eyes and that surprised me since he slept so well this morning, so we went to nap number two. Another two hours.
Once we got up, Dan emerged from the man cave and said he wanted to go to the hospital....mom wanted to not go to church and stay w/ Joey. I was changing Joey and I finally got a good reading and BOOM, he had a fever. I hollered from our room, "Joey has a high temp, we are all going to the hospital."
Packed the car and off we went. We opted for Physicians Regional on 951 cause it's never busy and it's CLEAN....so we waited only 20 min to get in. Dan was checked first by the nurse and then Joey, she took his temp in the bum and BOOM, 104.7, (way higher than what I got at home) my knees went weak. I had visions of mom going home, packing the wrong stuff in a bag and then hauling me and Joey up to North Naples Hospital to put him in the baby ward....(I had a tear running down my face.)
SO our evening progresses in the ER. We are assigned to curtain 14 and this tech comes in to give Dan a nasal culture and one for Joey....Now keep something in mind. Dan is sick so he has not held Joe since the day before. I see the tech give Dan this nasal culture, thank God I was sitting down, cause now she has to do it to Joe and I have to hold him. I close my eyes and hear this screech from my son. Yes, NOW I am crying...
I will make the story shorter in a moment.....
The tech said.."Sweetie, I have six kids, you better be ready for lots of this stuff, stitches, broken bones, ear infections, etc...."
" I know, I know." I say.... and the night went on. I also remebered when Joey was circumsised, THAT in itself is a great story, and after that I knew I could handle anything....(I must be getting mushy in my old age)
I am aware of all this stuff that will happen to Joey. Someday he will get punched (after he throws a few himself). Someday he will break a bone or two, he will have stitches, scrapped knee's blah blah blah, but it was the culture that she was giving him that got me. Joey was born only two weeks early and although he had to spend time in the nursery right after he was born, for them to watch he didn't have to have lots of stuff stuck to him. My best friend Pam, her son was born like 10 weeks early and spent sooo much time in the NICU with being poked and prodded and it didn't stop there when he was finally able to come home. My other friend Maria, she want through almost the same as Pam....and here is my little dude and a nose culture...."SUCK IT UP MAYO" I thought... this could be so much worse.
They kept us there for a few hours, every ones temp went down (a little) and they sent us home w/ prescriptions. Dan= the old fashioned influenza, Joey= ear infection... (so the doctor says) Not ONCE did my son pull at his ears.
The next day, mom came home from work sick as a dog. I about threw the towel in. Dan in his man cave being a typical sick male, Joey, glued on my hip still w/ a fever and now mom, my only hope, my only escape and she is tucked in bed sick. There is me and the dog....I about lost my mind.
So now, tonight.. the house is healing, Joey slept with me again last night. All the meds and stuff I had to pump into my son..(hate that) finally paid off, his fever broke, but I am not convinced he is better. Dan, his fever broke, but he is still hiding out in his man cave healing. He is terribly weak and certainly not up to any par. Mom, however, my saving grace, is much better... common cold. She was able to watch Joey for me so I could run to the store for 30 min.
Look. This is it. for now...... Tomorrow is a new day and I hope more healing comes to the family throughout the night. My husband wants to hold and love on his son. I just want 20 minutes alone, by myself. But here is how we start the new year....Now this new decade will bring lots more, and after this.. Bring it on...
New Years Sick Bay....
(my little man's first trip to the ER..)
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