Well, time does go by really fast. Tomorrow my little sweet son is going to be 5 months old....what? where has it gone?
At our four month Dr.s visit. Joey's cool Doctor could not believe how big he was for four months. 18 1/2 pounds and 26.5 inches in length. "so" she said..."I'm really not one to advocate any solid food feeding until children are 6 months old, but I think you should really start it now." and she laughed. It's funny.
So we go and get him all set up for eats....took a little while to get it going, but now he's like a monster... I really should not say that. There are days he likes to eat the "solid food" (which by the way is NOT solid it's all mushy) and days when he does not like it at all. So I like that 'cause then I know he is
getting what he wants and what he needs from the breast milk feedings.
But dinner time is the funnest in the Williams house. He is sooo funny eating.. I always thought my kid would not have all the food all over his face, that I could get it in and leave no mess. WRONG.....it's everywhere. and now he is all about raspberries when he eats, so the food really goes everywhere.
Look this "solid food" thing is a big deal, this is the "next step" to toddlerhood
to being a kid, to being five months old. Lets face it, I have to look at pictures to remember what he looked like as a baby and to remember the days when he was a little joey....
My son is growing faster and faster each day. We are amazed. everyday he is doing something new and or better. I am not gloating saying he is a genius, or the smartest kid of advanced.. How should I know if he is or is not...he's just Joey. He just does his thing and when he is ready to move on, he will. We are happiest when he is smiling and laughing and when we are all together.
But man, FIVE months old.....yeah I guess it is true, he will be at Harvard soon....
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