Wednesday, February 24, 2010

And A Little Child Shall Lead Them....

As some of you know we are settling into our last few days of ONLY husband and wife. On Friday February 26th our son Joey will come into this world. We are as excited as we are a little nervous. SO we are taking things as they are right now. We are spending time doing quiet things just to keep ourselves focused on our upcoming event.

Yet last night as we were flipping between the Olympic Games and American Idol, both of our phones went ringing away and Dan's brother -in-law John called to tell us the shitty news of the passing of Dan's father.

I could not believe it. Really. The poor little man has been sick for some time now. In mid December he had a stroke, hospitalized, pulmonary problems, dementia and a weak hear where do I start explaining everything....Really? I am not going to.

I am just going to explain that as sick as he was, I am sure his little frail body just could not handle anymore. His Heart stopped and they could not get him back. It was his time to go home and be with the Lord. God's timing is ALWAYS the right time and we never seem to know why he chooses the time that he chose.

This is a fine example of that. Dan just could not get out of his head last night that his dad would not be able to meet his new Grandson. Wondering why did God want Bobby three days before our son was to be born? We will never know because only God knows. But now I look into my husbands eyes and I see how hurt and sad and lost he is.

We are christian people and we believe, that it is a true homecoming when you are called to be home with the Lord. How wonderful. We do not fear death, we seem to fear earth so much more. We believe that being with the Lord really is a celebration. A happy time....and for some reason it is suppose to make things so much easier to deal with.....
I am truly happy for Bobby, he is healthy now and with his family that has gone before him, and he is with Jesus, but with all that being said, I am sad for us. For Dan and his sister. His sister who fought so hard for this man to live and get the best care he was allowed to get. I am sad that everything that has to follow for Dan and his sister with dealing with this is so friggin hard.

We are giving birth on Friday and Dan's niece is on bed rest for her pregnancy for another few weeks, so I have no idea what will happen. I guess Dan and his sister will get together today and they will chat and share and I am sure they will laugh too, they always find something to laugh about.
But I cant help but think that during this time that we should be happy, God had given us something black to put in front of us. It's fine though. A few days of heartbreak and tears followed by the birth of a new baby....we shall see...

For the Bible says..."And a little child shall lead them...."

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