Well, for all my blog fans....my peeps, my followers... this is the last day that Dan and I are "non-parents"
I cannot believe that our son will be born tomorrow. the surgery will be around *am in the morning of the 26th.
This is crazy. The thought now with everything being so close is so surreal. I am not sure what to think about it. I mean I am REALLY excited about this, please don't get me wrong.
We went for our "pore-op." at the hospital this morning and for the last few visits, we have been working with a rockin' nurse from NY, great humor and super honest, so she did my pre-op today and I was reallly able to get to the nitty gritty of things and questions. She was perfect. She will not be there over the weekend when we have Joey, but so far all the nursing staff have been wonderful. They all have great things to say about my Dr. too. Love that.
Dan and I are going out to supper tonight and have a little date. "Cosmo's" I think will be my choice. They have great homemade Italian food and I think I am in the mood for that. Not sure though, we could end up at "five guy's" or someplace else.....but whatever.
I am anticipating a smooth day tomorrow0w with all that is going on. I will miss my little dog though but a few neighbours will be helping care for him and my brother Dale will be here sat, and will stay at the house so he can help with Miles too. Not that I am worried, I just don't like to be away from my little dog for a long time. I do miss him when I am. I wonder what it will be like with a child....OOO does this mean I will never leave him? Holy cow...
So despite everything that has happened in the past few days.. I think we have really turned sorrow into joy. I got a note from a friend this morning. She was telling me how sorry she was for the loss of Dan's dad and how there is always life after death. Her words were all I really needed to read and set into myself for the time of sadness and turning to joy. She is right. I am so blessed to have her and that she reached out like that.
Well, "ONE MORE DAY". My favorite song in Les Miserables. I woke up this morning singing it. Just how I was feeling and good laughs about it. ( I wanted to post the song but I am not that computer savvy)
Thanks to everyone for the prayers and well wishes and more through out this time. You rock and you have blessed me and my son beyond belief. If it was not for the support I don't think things could have gone as smooth as they have. Blessings right back..
... from the wonderful mucisal play Les Miserables......."Tomorrow we'll discover what our God in heaven has in store...One more door, one more day..ONE DAY MORE."
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
And A Little Child Shall Lead Them....
As some of you know we are settling into our last few days of ONLY husband and wife. On Friday February 26th our son Joey will come into this world. We are as excited as we are a little nervous. SO we are taking things as they are right now. We are spending time doing quiet things just to keep ourselves focused on our upcoming event.
Yet last night as we were flipping between the Olympic Games and American Idol, both of our phones went ringing away and Dan's brother -in-law John called to tell us the shitty news of the passing of Dan's father.
I could not believe it. Really. The poor little man has been sick for some time now. In mid December he had a stroke, hospitalized, pulmonary problems, dementia and a weak hear muscle....so where do I start explaining everything....Really? I am not going to.
I am just going to explain that as sick as he was, I am sure his little frail body just could not handle anymore. His Heart stopped and they could not get him back. It was his time to go home and be with the Lord. God's timing is ALWAYS the right time and we never seem to know why he chooses the time that he chose.
This is a fine example of that. Dan just could not get out of his head last night that his dad would not be able to meet his new Grandson. Wondering why did God want Bobby three days before our son was to be born? We will never know because only God knows. But now I look into my husbands eyes and I see how hurt and sad and lost he is.
We are christian people and we believe, that it is a true homecoming when you are called to be home with the Lord. How wonderful. We do not fear death, we seem to fear earth so much more. We believe that being with the Lord really is a celebration. A happy time....and for some reason it is suppose to make things so much easier to deal with.....
I am truly happy for Bobby, he is healthy now and with his family that has gone before him, and he is with Jesus, but with all that being said, I am sad for us. For Dan and his sister. His sister who fought so hard for this man to live and get the best care he was allowed to get. I am sad that everything that has to follow for Dan and his sister with dealing with this is so friggin hard.
We are giving birth on Friday and Dan's niece is on bed rest for her pregnancy for another few weeks, so I have no idea what will happen. I guess Dan and his sister will get together today and they will chat and share and I am sure they will laugh too, they always find something to laugh about.
But I cant help but think that during this time that we should be happy, God had given us something black to put in front of us. It's fine though. A few days of heartbreak and tears followed by the birth of a new baby....we shall see...
For the Bible says..."And a little child shall lead them...."
Yet last night as we were flipping between the Olympic Games and American Idol, both of our phones went ringing away and Dan's brother -in-law John called to tell us the shitty news of the passing of Dan's father.
I could not believe it. Really. The poor little man has been sick for some time now. In mid December he had a stroke, hospitalized, pulmonary problems, dementia and a weak hear muscle....so where do I start explaining everything....Really? I am not going to.
I am just going to explain that as sick as he was, I am sure his little frail body just could not handle anymore. His Heart stopped and they could not get him back. It was his time to go home and be with the Lord. God's timing is ALWAYS the right time and we never seem to know why he chooses the time that he chose.
This is a fine example of that. Dan just could not get out of his head last night that his dad would not be able to meet his new Grandson. Wondering why did God want Bobby three days before our son was to be born? We will never know because only God knows. But now I look into my husbands eyes and I see how hurt and sad and lost he is.
We are christian people and we believe, that it is a true homecoming when you are called to be home with the Lord. How wonderful. We do not fear death, we seem to fear earth so much more. We believe that being with the Lord really is a celebration. A happy time....and for some reason it is suppose to make things so much easier to deal with.....
I am truly happy for Bobby, he is healthy now and with his family that has gone before him, and he is with Jesus, but with all that being said, I am sad for us. For Dan and his sister. His sister who fought so hard for this man to live and get the best care he was allowed to get. I am sad that everything that has to follow for Dan and his sister with dealing with this is so friggin hard.
We are giving birth on Friday and Dan's niece is on bed rest for her pregnancy for another few weeks, so I have no idea what will happen. I guess Dan and his sister will get together today and they will chat and share and I am sure they will laugh too, they always find something to laugh about.
But I cant help but think that during this time that we should be happy, God had given us something black to put in front of us. It's fine though. A few days of heartbreak and tears followed by the birth of a new baby....we shall see...
For the Bible says..."And a little child shall lead them...."
Friday, February 19, 2010
One Week...
Well, for those of you who do read this and are not on Face book, My son Joey will be born on Friday February 26th 2010.
That is exactly one week from this moment.
I went to the Dr.s the other day and had an ultra sound and Bonnie the tech measured my little big man and said, "right now, he is 8 pounds."
"well, THAT explains everything." I said.
Dr. K asked me if I was ready to have this kid, and I said nodded my head. So we scheduled a date and he is on vacation, but will be back to deliver my son...LOVE that about my Jewish Mohel doctor. He doesn't muck around.
I am ready I think. I am looking forward to meeting my son and becoming a family. I am looking forward to getting home from the hospital and settling in with this baby and having him meet the dog and starting out the four of us. I am looking forward to having Dan home with me and experiencing the true unknown with him. I have no idea what I am getting into but, I can't wait to get in to it.
I have now been out of work for 20 days and I have enjoyed the rest time. The edema has left my feet, but blood pressure is good and my focus is great. Miles is by my side all the time taking care of me when Dan is at work and I do not miss the hotel at all...just a few peeps and that's it.
But you know. Even when I was there, it really made no difference. My focus has always been my personal life, my family and that has always been so much more important than work.
In one week I will be starting a new job. I will be adding MOM to my resume. I can honestly say I am thrilled about it and I am sure it will be hard and it will suck at times and I know my life will change forever... but I think it will also be so joyous and fun and happy and we will laugh just as much as cry and just as much as argue.....Dan wants to be Papa, and I want to be mom or mommy. I don't care.
My son Joseph Scott Williams will be born in one week. ONE FRIGGIN' week.
I'm gonna be a mom in one week.
That is exactly one week from this moment.
I went to the Dr.s the other day and had an ultra sound and Bonnie the tech measured my little big man and said, "right now, he is 8 pounds."
"well, THAT explains everything." I said.
Dr. K asked me if I was ready to have this kid, and I said nodded my head. So we scheduled a date and he is on vacation, but will be back to deliver my son...LOVE that about my Jewish Mohel doctor. He doesn't muck around.
I am ready I think. I am looking forward to meeting my son and becoming a family. I am looking forward to getting home from the hospital and settling in with this baby and having him meet the dog and starting out the four of us. I am looking forward to having Dan home with me and experiencing the true unknown with him. I have no idea what I am getting into but, I can't wait to get in to it.
I have now been out of work for 20 days and I have enjoyed the rest time. The edema has left my feet, but blood pressure is good and my focus is great. Miles is by my side all the time taking care of me when Dan is at work and I do not miss the hotel at all...just a few peeps and that's it.
But you know. Even when I was there, it really made no difference. My focus has always been my personal life, my family and that has always been so much more important than work.
In one week I will be starting a new job. I will be adding MOM to my resume. I can honestly say I am thrilled about it and I am sure it will be hard and it will suck at times and I know my life will change forever... but I think it will also be so joyous and fun and happy and we will laugh just as much as cry and just as much as argue.....Dan wants to be Papa, and I want to be mom or mommy. I don't care.
My son Joseph Scott Williams will be born in one week. ONE FRIGGIN' week.
I'm gonna be a mom in one week.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Boppy and a Belly Cast.
There are two things I have wanted in this pregnancy.....
1.A boppy pillow.
You know those pillows that are like half moons and they kind of wrap around your waist and help with the baby when breast feeding? Yeah. It can be used for other things for caring for the baby, but when I first saw them YEARS ago I thought they were the coolest things. I don't know why....
The other thing....
2. A belly cast.....
I think these things are THE coolest memory to have. Making a mold of your pregnant belly, (and boobs) how cool. They sell these kits out there for something like 35-60$..crazy, or you can just buy the stuff at Michael's with their coupons, for much cheaper. ( that's what I did thanks to a friend tipping me off)
The boppy was fun to pick out. In fact, when I found out I was pregnant mom and I took a drive up to Babies R Us and shopped a little bit. The Boppy was the first thing I bought with two slip covers. I was so happy. Again I have n reason why I like this pillow. So time goes on and I won another boppy in a magazine contest, so that made two. Okay this is good. It's good to have two of them for some reason right? why not. Then I also got another for my baby sower from a friend. I loved it. Much prettier than the other two I have.
I didn't want to return any of them. I have a feeling that they all will be used and used well. So I gave the one I got from my shower to my mom. That one has green and yellow pretty colors and it's mom's colors at her house. I told her that she will use it when we get to the point her bottle feeding Joey and it will be good for her to use when he needs "tummy time play" and stuff. She didn't understand the use of the pillow until she went to an infant care class with me and the teacher of he class raved about the pillow. Then it all came together for mom with the pillow. I kept the other two pillows. One in my bedroom and one for the living room. Just easier I guess. You know but Love these pillows.
Now the cool idea of belly casting. First off, I have written before what a wonderful journey being pregnant has been. Yup. I have loved it and have been blessed. Even now what I really can't do very much at all, but rest and eat. (My son is currently 8 pounds inside me and will be making his debut into the world next week). I have not taken many pictures of my growing belly and documented much, just this blog, but the one thing I have also wanted was a belly cast. SO I was planning to have this ladies night and have women friends over to cast my belly, but it did not pan out, so Dan and I did it the other night.
1.A boppy pillow.
You know those pillows that are like half moons and they kind of wrap around your waist and help with the baby when breast feeding? Yeah. It can be used for other things for caring for the baby, but when I first saw them YEARS ago I thought they were the coolest things. I don't know why....
The other thing....
2. A belly cast.....
I think these things are THE coolest memory to have. Making a mold of your pregnant belly, (and boobs) how cool. They sell these kits out there for something like 35-60$..crazy, or you can just buy the stuff at Michael's with their coupons, for much cheaper. ( that's what I did thanks to a friend tipping me off)
The boppy was fun to pick out. In fact, when I found out I was pregnant mom and I took a drive up to Babies R Us and shopped a little bit. The Boppy was the first thing I bought with two slip covers. I was so happy. Again I have n reason why I like this pillow. So time goes on and I won another boppy in a magazine contest, so that made two. Okay this is good. It's good to have two of them for some reason right? why not. Then I also got another for my baby sower from a friend. I loved it. Much prettier than the other two I have.
I didn't want to return any of them. I have a feeling that they all will be used and used well. So I gave the one I got from my shower to my mom. That one has green and yellow pretty colors and it's mom's colors at her house. I told her that she will use it when we get to the point her bottle feeding Joey and it will be good for her to use when he needs "tummy time play" and stuff. She didn't understand the use of the pillow until she went to an infant care class with me and the teacher of he class raved about the pillow. Then it all came together for mom with the pillow. I kept the other two pillows. One in my bedroom and one for the living room. Just easier I guess. You know but Love these pillows.
Now the cool idea of belly casting. First off, I have written before what a wonderful journey being pregnant has been. Yup. I have loved it and have been blessed. Even now what I really can't do very much at all, but rest and eat. (My son is currently 8 pounds inside me and will be making his debut into the world next week). I have not taken many pictures of my growing belly and documented much, just this blog, but the one thing I have also wanted was a belly cast. SO I was planning to have this ladies night and have women friends over to cast my belly, but it did not pan out, so Dan and I did it the other night.
We had sooooo much fun working with the plaster of paris and decided that if Joey ever has to do a project with that stuff he will not be in school that week. WHAT A MESS. but all in all, it was so cool casting my boobs and belly. (i will post a photo soon). It is still drying on the lanai, and what will er do with is after. Who knows. Put it in a closet, maybe display it, use it as a chip and dip bowl...not sure, But I have one. It helped me understand what my belly looks like. I see it each day in the mirror, but that's different. I now have a great memory of how wonderful I have felt being pregnant. I have a wonderful memory of how big my belly got during this time. I have a wonderful memory of my son inside me. SOOOO happy.
So that's about it. I know odd and simple, but special and happy. It's all it takes.
A boppy and a belly cast....
A boppy and a belly cast....
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Today is Valentine's Day.
When you are single you hate this day. when you have someone to love and share it with you love this day. It's funny isn't it?
We are not doing much this Valentine's day. Just laying low. We swapped cards and a few tears and words from our hearts, but that's about it. We seemed to have played all holidays easy this time around with the baby on it's way. We are 15 days and counting..(we think) but we just wanted to keep everything low.
We are not really big fans of this holiday either. Over rated and climbing cost of Valentine cards is CRAZY. But romantic dinners out. We do that anyway. We have a great marriage that to us it is Valentine's day all the time.....BLAHHH, I know sounds Corny, but you know what. We have been together for eight years, married for seven and we are STILL deeply in love with each other. In love and love each other. We just are. So many other people struggle with their relationship. I have no idea what that is like. I could not see myself married to another man. it's that simple. I look at past boyfriends and my brow sweats thinking about what a train wreck my life could have been. God gave me the right partner, the right lover, the right husband to be with. Sure somethings are hard, but with the love and respect that we have for each other, it is Valentine's day all the time for us.
We can't help it. We just feel so strongly about one another. I hope other people feel that way too. So with the celebration of LOVE...it's all in your heart. It's all about how you feel. You can harbor all the bad and never care to see the good, and then hate the love, or you can look and see ALL the good and work through the bad and find all the love that has been intended for you and your partner.
Keep in mind there are a lot of people out here who NEVER feel love. Ever. for various reasons, but they will or have never experienced it. SHAME. I think we are all entitled to have those butterfly feelings and the warmth in our hearts.
So it's Valentine's day. To some it's a wonderful perfect holiday, to others it's a day that just down right sucks. But to me and my husband...it really is just another day to say.."I love you." and mean it.
When you are single you hate this day. when you have someone to love and share it with you love this day. It's funny isn't it?
We are not doing much this Valentine's day. Just laying low. We swapped cards and a few tears and words from our hearts, but that's about it. We seemed to have played all holidays easy this time around with the baby on it's way. We are 15 days and counting..(we think) but we just wanted to keep everything low.
We are not really big fans of this holiday either. Over rated and climbing cost of Valentine cards is CRAZY. But romantic dinners out. We do that anyway. We have a great marriage that to us it is Valentine's day all the time.....BLAHHH, I know sounds Corny, but you know what. We have been together for eight years, married for seven and we are STILL deeply in love with each other. In love and love each other. We just are. So many other people struggle with their relationship. I have no idea what that is like. I could not see myself married to another man. it's that simple. I look at past boyfriends and my brow sweats thinking about what a train wreck my life could have been. God gave me the right partner, the right lover, the right husband to be with. Sure somethings are hard, but with the love and respect that we have for each other, it is Valentine's day all the time for us.
We can't help it. We just feel so strongly about one another. I hope other people feel that way too. So with the celebration of LOVE...it's all in your heart. It's all about how you feel. You can harbor all the bad and never care to see the good, and then hate the love, or you can look and see ALL the good and work through the bad and find all the love that has been intended for you and your partner.
Keep in mind there are a lot of people out here who NEVER feel love. Ever. for various reasons, but they will or have never experienced it. SHAME. I think we are all entitled to have those butterfly feelings and the warmth in our hearts.
So it's Valentine's day. To some it's a wonderful perfect holiday, to others it's a day that just down right sucks. But to me and my husband...it really is just another day to say.."I love you." and mean it.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Winter Games....

I have to say I could possibly be one of the biggest Olympic fans out there. When I was young I wanted to be an Olympic historian. yeah, seriously, WHO in their right mind wants to be and Olympic historian.... ME. Yup. I did.
In fact my youngest memory as a child was watching former Olympic t.v. host Jim McKay tell about the terrible shooting in the Munich Games in 1972. I was three years old. We were all glued to the t.v. as he spoke about the terrorist. then it was watching Olga Korbit of Russia win gold in the summer games. The years followed with 1976 with Nadia Comenicci win gold in Montreal and in 1980 the winter games in Lake Placid, the hockey team winning gold. No one MOVED from their t.v. while watching those college kids play their heart out for their country and the highest honor of gold. It was spectacular. I can still hear my dad cheer the team on from our den as the players scored goals against the stately and notoriously strong Soviet team. Those college boys won gold and gave the U.S. something to hope for during a turbulent economic and political time. I was young in 1980..only 11 but remember it like it was yesterday.
Four years later the games were in Sarajevo. We saw skater Scott Hamelton win gold with an electrifying performance as well as the British Ice Dancing team of Torvil and Dean grab our attention to a gold medal performance that left everyone who watched speechless.
Every four years athletes became super stars, heroes. They became hope as they dominated. They rise to the top of their game and fall to the bottom with nothing to show. The dedication that these athletes give to their sport in none like any. They represent the sprot, their country and themselves to become Olympic Champions. They want nothing more than to bring home the Gold for their country.
In fact my youngest memory as a child was watching former Olympic t.v. host Jim McKay tell about the terrible shooting in the Munich Games in 1972. I was three years old. We were all glued to the t.v. as he spoke about the terrorist. then it was watching Olga Korbit of Russia win gold in the summer games. The years followed with 1976 with Nadia Comenicci win gold in Montreal and in 1980 the winter games in Lake Placid, the hockey team winning gold. No one MOVED from their t.v. while watching those college kids play their heart out for their country and the highest honor of gold. It was spectacular. I can still hear my dad cheer the team on from our den as the players scored goals against the stately and notoriously strong Soviet team. Those college boys won gold and gave the U.S. something to hope for during a turbulent economic and political time. I was young in 1980..only 11 but remember it like it was yesterday.
Four years later the games were in Sarajevo. We saw skater Scott Hamelton win gold with an electrifying performance as well as the British Ice Dancing team of Torvil and Dean grab our attention to a gold medal performance that left everyone who watched speechless.
Every four years athletes became super stars, heroes. They became hope as they dominated. They rise to the top of their game and fall to the bottom with nothing to show. The dedication that these athletes give to their sport in none like any. They represent the sprot, their country and themselves to become Olympic Champions. They want nothing more than to bring home the Gold for their country.
Professional athletes are now allowed to participate in the Olympic Games, and those players who make millions in a sport, all have said there is NOTHING like being part of the Olympics. Wining a medal, walking the opening ceremonies and meeting the other athletes. The pros are also just as starstruck by the armatures because of what they do and the dedication they give. Many of the Olympic athletes don't have a career in their sport after the games. They find something else to do. Some are successful in speaking and some just enjoy the small glory given to them at that time, retire from the sport, maybe coach.
I do love the summer games. they are fun to watch, but for some reason it's the winter games that always has my heart. even though I was big swimmer growing up, the winter games offer ME much more. I cant say why... maybe it has to do with the fact that not ONE country dominates the medal race. Top world Olympic athletes could go into their race and lose to someone from some country we have never heard of. Happens all the time. Maybe that the winter games carry so many rivalries and so much history between nations. Maybe it seems a bit more intimate being in the snow and cold weather, seeing everyone all bundled up. Maybe it's the mountains surrounding the village, the backdrop provided, I don't know. But they really are my favorite.
I love learning about the host cities too. All the history and the charm. What the city built and why. The people, the hospitality of the country.. It's peace in its own right. I love the torch relay and so much more. the human interest stories. Matt Lauer on The Today show was part of the torch relay for the Vancouver Games. He said he turned into mush when he got his torch lit. He said it was like nothing else he had ever experienced. It was the ultimate act of true WORLD PEACE.
That may be it. WORLD PEACE in one city for 14-16 days. If anyone gets out of line its the fans, but the athletes themselves have much to teach ALL of us. They work hard and compete with all they have, they win with grace and lose with grace. When else can we say we do that? The Olympic Games display peace and shows the world, that we CAN get along and there is no politics involved running the show. It's just regular people. There is much to be said about ALL of these dedicated people. From the athletes to the coaches, to the parents who sacrificed so much, to the host city to the board members who helped put the games on to the people who sweet the arena's when the fans leave, to the guys that groom the mountain for the skiing to the workers who serve people the food in the Olympic village. How proud each person is who partakes in the games.
It's a great few weeks on t.v. A great few weeks for the world. Having a global spirit and enjoying history being made.
The winter Games.....
I do love the summer games. they are fun to watch, but for some reason it's the winter games that always has my heart. even though I was big swimmer growing up, the winter games offer ME much more. I cant say why... maybe it has to do with the fact that not ONE country dominates the medal race. Top world Olympic athletes could go into their race and lose to someone from some country we have never heard of. Happens all the time. Maybe that the winter games carry so many rivalries and so much history between nations. Maybe it seems a bit more intimate being in the snow and cold weather, seeing everyone all bundled up. Maybe it's the mountains surrounding the village, the backdrop provided, I don't know. But they really are my favorite.
I love learning about the host cities too. All the history and the charm. What the city built and why. The people, the hospitality of the country.. It's peace in its own right. I love the torch relay and so much more. the human interest stories. Matt Lauer on The Today show was part of the torch relay for the Vancouver Games. He said he turned into mush when he got his torch lit. He said it was like nothing else he had ever experienced. It was the ultimate act of true WORLD PEACE.
That may be it. WORLD PEACE in one city for 14-16 days. If anyone gets out of line its the fans, but the athletes themselves have much to teach ALL of us. They work hard and compete with all they have, they win with grace and lose with grace. When else can we say we do that? The Olympic Games display peace and shows the world, that we CAN get along and there is no politics involved running the show. It's just regular people. There is much to be said about ALL of these dedicated people. From the athletes to the coaches, to the parents who sacrificed so much, to the host city to the board members who helped put the games on to the people who sweet the arena's when the fans leave, to the guys that groom the mountain for the skiing to the workers who serve people the food in the Olympic village. How proud each person is who partakes in the games.
It's a great few weeks on t.v. A great few weeks for the world. Having a global spirit and enjoying history being made.
The winter Games.....
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Alright so it has been awhile since I last wrote. yeah I get it, but I have been torn about what to write. More about my pregnant journey that is coming to a rapid close by the way, or other stuff...
I really should be in bed at the moment sound asleep. It is late and I cant sleep. (2nd night in a row) anyway.... I'm just gonna babble and See where it takes me.
I have been pregnant for 36 weeks. I am all baby and a big baby at that. I have my last ultra sound next week and I am anxious to See how big they think he is. the doctor says that Joey will arrive over the first few days of March. Dan thinks the end of Feb, but I also think he will weigh in at 9.6 lbs. that is my guess. Today I went for a stress test on the bambino and all is fine. I have to go back each week until I deliver. Just due to my age. Also I have been put on "bed rest" LOVE it. well I should not say LOVE IT, I am a little bored,and feel bad for miles that I am not more active, but all in all my blood pressure is MUCH better and the edema in my feet, ankles and calf's has just about left me. I have not see my ankles in a long time. I lay w/ my feet elevated for an hour each day and drink tons of water. No salt either.....but it's all good. Dan has become a wonderful wife too. I am just blessed with how wonderful this pregnancy had turned out. It had been remarkable.
Also if you are one of those readers, who "wants to see me" I am sorry I cannot see you in your territory. You will have to come to me. I cant drive far and have to stay close to home. DONE. that simple. I am always up for a visit, but may be rude and ask you to leave after while so I can get some sleep. I am always tired now and I really think that day by day this child is growing large in my belly...cause my belly is growing really large. I also need positive people around me.
I need joy and happiness, I am not interested in drama and silly things. I cant afford to get frustrated and flustered with issues, I just would like peace in my last few weeks of being pregnant. It seems healthier and happier. As Dan says..."Happy Wife, Happy Life" so true.
So come bearing glee and shine and all will be fine.
I think I am ready to close my eyes now, so I am gonna close this entry, but hopefully more will follow in a few days.
I really should be in bed at the moment sound asleep. It is late and I cant sleep. (2nd night in a row) anyway.... I'm just gonna babble and See where it takes me.
I have been pregnant for 36 weeks. I am all baby and a big baby at that. I have my last ultra sound next week and I am anxious to See how big they think he is. the doctor says that Joey will arrive over the first few days of March. Dan thinks the end of Feb, but I also think he will weigh in at 9.6 lbs. that is my guess. Today I went for a stress test on the bambino and all is fine. I have to go back each week until I deliver. Just due to my age. Also I have been put on "bed rest" LOVE it. well I should not say LOVE IT, I am a little bored,and feel bad for miles that I am not more active, but all in all my blood pressure is MUCH better and the edema in my feet, ankles and calf's has just about left me. I have not see my ankles in a long time. I lay w/ my feet elevated for an hour each day and drink tons of water. No salt either.....but it's all good. Dan has become a wonderful wife too. I am just blessed with how wonderful this pregnancy had turned out. It had been remarkable.
Also if you are one of those readers, who "wants to see me" I am sorry I cannot see you in your territory. You will have to come to me. I cant drive far and have to stay close to home. DONE. that simple. I am always up for a visit, but may be rude and ask you to leave after while so I can get some sleep. I am always tired now and I really think that day by day this child is growing large in my belly...cause my belly is growing really large. I also need positive people around me.
I need joy and happiness, I am not interested in drama and silly things. I cant afford to get frustrated and flustered with issues, I just would like peace in my last few weeks of being pregnant. It seems healthier and happier. As Dan says..."Happy Wife, Happy Life" so true.
So come bearing glee and shine and all will be fine.
I think I am ready to close my eyes now, so I am gonna close this entry, but hopefully more will follow in a few days.
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